What is a domain name?
A domain name is the address of your website on the Internet. You typed our domain name, Shahvaran.com, in your browser's address field to find and come visit our website.
Why should I register my domain name?
If you want to establish a presence on the Internet or want to secure your-name.com for future use, you should register your Domain name.
If I register my domain name, does it mean I have a website at my-name.com?
No. Not yet. Domain Name Registration is one of the main steps of having a website. The other steps are designing your web pages on your own computer and then when ready find a Hosting company and pay them to place your web pages on the Internet for you.
What is the price for registering a Domain name?
Shahvaran.com.com charges only $20 per Domain name per year. All you pay is $20 a year. No other hidden charges or service fees. However, in addition to your Domain Name Registration fee of $20, you will only pay for Page design and Hosting if you choose to have a website now.
Who owns the Domain name?
You are the registrant and owner of your Domain Name.
Can I register my Domain Name even if I don't want to have a website now?
Yes. You can register your domain name at any time to secure it before any one else does. You can later when ready in the future sign-up for our Hosting and Page Design services or even design your web pages yourself and then sign-up for Hosting (our Hosting plans or any other Hosting company of your choice).