How much do you charge for web page design?

Cost for Design and creation of your web pages varies depending on time spent and whether you have static or dynamic website with e-commerce and/or Audio/Video streaming. The average is $1200 for static web sites and $2500 for dynamic website with e-commerce and/or Audio/Video streaming. It may take about 3-8 weeks.

BestWeb2000 specializes in the development of your Web presence and tailors pages to suite your needs and specifications. BestWeb2000 will work with you on creating your presence on the World Wide Web. From start to finish, we provide designing and layout of your web pages, HTML programming, graphics design, image processing, audio and video processing, complete interactive forms support, tables, Web Site Search Engines, e-commerce and more.

A Web Page basically contains information describing your business, allowing the visitor to learn more about a specific product or service, view pictures or videos, or listen to an audio presentation. Adding Forms Support and shopping cart will allow the visitor to your Web Site to order products or services immediately while viewing them or simply send you any requested information such as name, address, e-mail, etc,. Search engine functionality to your site makes it more user-friendly. It will allow your Web Site visitors to enter keywords to search your site. As a result they will be presented with a Web page of hypertext links to all the pages at your site that match their search criteria.

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